Sunday, June 6, 2010

When Was the Last Time You Worshiped?

When was the last time you worshiped?

And don't think that just because you sang the song or went through the motions meant you worshiped.

When was the last time your heart was in a place of real worship?

What keeps us from worshiping? Why is it that for months worship will be great, but then one day, it just...



Because worship is not about a song! Worship is not about a day. Worship is not about a service, or a praise band. It is not about your voice or your dance skills (yes, we can worship through dance).

Worship is a way one lives their life.

We often express this when we come together and sing songs. Many people see that specifically as worship time, but even that time is about so much more. Worship comes from the heart. I've heard it put that worship is the reflection of ones week.

I have no conclusive "how to" on worship. If you read this, just take some time to think about it.

Answer this question, then look deeper into the why...

When was the last time you worshiped?

In Christ,



  1. I think it's easier to worship when you practice having a grateful heart!

  2. Ben...I couldn't agree more. At a recent writers conference, (your mom was at this one too) one of the speakers said that short prayers are cheap...that our lives should reflect a constant prayer as we should be in a constant state of worship. What does that look like or mean...pretty easy to find out by reading the New Testiment and discover the life of Christ. You know, I think you could take what you wrote above and turn it into a devotion by adding some form of "real-life" experience to your very good "hook" and "took".
    My Best,
    Scott McCausey
    Host of Christian Devotions Speak UP!
