As was brought up in class today, people, in light of demons, either do not believe in them, or believe in them but are far too fascinated. These are both incredible advantages to demons, and disadvantages to us. I want to focus on both of these aspects in this entry.
Spiritual warfare is real! Do not let yourself believe that only what you can see, touch, smell, or feel is real. That would be simply foolish and contradictory for a christian to believe. To believe that God exists and not demons, that would be utterly silly. Not only silly, but it would be down right stupid. We are at war! We can approach this war in one of two ways: first, by suiting up with the full armor of God (reference Ephesians 6) or, second, by simply ignoring the attacks on our spirit, and living in ignorance. Ignorance is bliss, but ignorance can lead you slowly and gently into ruin, a blissful journey into destruction.
Just to clarify, I do not think that your spiritual integrity lies at risk here. Jesus has saved you, rejoice! But, do not be foolish and throw away the rest of the time you have left to influence the earth.
Do not let your fascination with demons lead you to demons. This would also be very foolish, yet we find ourselves at it time and time again. After reading Lord Foulgrin's Letters, I was very strongly convicted to not dabble around with demons. To leave the protection of God by your choice and to seek out demons is to put yourself deliberately at risk.
But how exactly do we pursue demons? Is this really an issue in our culture here and today? The answer to the latter is: yes. And by explaining I shall answer the first question as well. How often have you heard of people going to "Hell's Bridge" or the local graveyard, and doing stupid things, like driving in three circles then putting the car in reverse, in order to "see ghosts?" Do not fool yourself, there are many who indeed have seen ghosts by doing things like this, and luckily, returned unharmed. However, what do you think these "ghosts" are? The supernatural can be explained as either angels or demons.
Be aware, and protect yourself. A man at war will not leave his army behind and venture into the army of the enemy. We are at war, and we must take this very seriously. God offers us protection, a demon has absolutely no power over the blood of Christ, and through the Holy Spirit, all the power of Christ is available to us. But when we go looking for demons, we may very well forfeit the protection that God offers us.
I cannot speak with authority on the nature of the previous paragraph, but if a question even exists, then the danger also exists. May you be diligent, and protect your souls from the Devil's schemes, for he is like a lion lurking in the reeds just waiting for us to wander from the pack. He desires nothing more then to sink his teeth into you and tear your soul apart. Do not give him the pleasure.
In Christ,
I really appreciate the honesty and advice that you put into this post. Your warnings have the urgency that is necessary when dealing with a subject of this intensity. Screwtape writes that the patient will "dread nothing so much as effective contact with the Enemy". As the Devil pulls us farther from God, we will even begin to draw away from effective contact with Him because of our guilt. What a dangerous situation! We definitely need to keep our guard up against the Devil's schemes.