Saturday, January 9, 2010


In the first chapter of Engaging God's World, Plantinga talks about longing and hope. One area I would like to comment about is C.S. Lewis' quote and Plantinga's response. The quote says that we don't long for enough, that we have eternal life and all we want is what is present here and now. How we could go to the beach, but we would rather stay in the slums playing with the mud.

This is a very interesting point. Someone in class said that one reason we act like this is because we just don't know how great eternal life is going to be, we cannot grasp heaven. And I agree with this. But I would like to offer another dimension to it. There are many things in this world, right now, that seem very very attractive. Money, sex, fame, even drugs could be very attractive to us mortal, limited beings. But the thing we don't understand is that these things are not fulfilling.

Perhaps we would never be able to see the shallow levels of these things until we have looked along with them. But I think that the most applicable argument towards this would be similar to that of C.S. Lewis' article We Have No Right to Happiness. We don't know what will make us happy. We cannot see the true depths of real joy. Like our professor said, J.O.Y. is Jesus and You with nothing (0) in between.

So as we might pursue fame, money, sex, drugs, and success, we are just putting more and more between us and Jesus, therefore getting further and further from Joy. We think that because we have more mud in the slums that we will be happy, but who wants more mud? More dirt? We have to get out of the slums for joy, for true happiness.

In Christ,



  1. I completely agree with your point that we do not realize that things of this earth are not fulfilling. We may experience happiness from things of this earth, yet our souls crave something more, something eternal. Even if we had things to keep us happy all along every minute of our lives, we would still be empty because we are destined to be fulfilled in Christ.

  2. I completely agree with your point that we think that things that make us happy will fulfill us. We may experience times of happiness from things on earth. But ultimately even if we had things to keep us happy all along every moment of life, we would be left unsatisfied and longing for more. We are created to be fulfilled and satisfied in Christ.
