Tuesday, October 9, 2012


I filled a glass with sand. There were a few pockets of air, but other than those, the sand formed perfectly to the glass. I relocated the sand into another glass, one of completely different shape. The sand once again formed to the glass. I then brought the sand back to the original container. As predicted, the sand formed back to the original glass. Always the same sand, but always forming to the container around it.

This is a story of Evan.

I lived 21 years in the exact same containers: West Michigan; Grand Rapids; Christian Church; Ripley Family; Benjamin. Always the same containers, so on the surface people would see the same sand. But something subtle has changed. I have encountered different people, different glasses of sand, and I have acquired some of their sand while leaving some of my own. By encountering these people, we have shared ideas and we have influenced each other. So now there is a different set of sand, but it is perceived the same because it is in the same container. The new sand even acted like the old sand some times.

It was time to change the container.

I love my family; I love Grand Rapids.

Benjamin embodies Benjamin's ideas. Evan embodies Evan's ideas. They are different.

After experiencing some life, and learning from the people I came in contact with, I changed many of the things I believed about the world. Benjamin believed certain things, Evan believes different things.

Welcome to Today.


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