Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Facts... bro

Ok, so this eats me. People are closed minded, stubborn, and ignorant. People form ideas, and then cement them in as if any falsity of the idea would destroy everything they believed in. Here is the truth: an idea that does not hold up under fire is flawed. Here is another one: you cannot understand any idea in its entirety.

I'll start with the latter.

Gravity. It pulls us down (or pushes?). How?... oh.

"I know one thing, that I know nothing"

Signs lead us to believe that the universe is constantly expanding. Research finds things that are smaller and smaller. I'm not even sure what the smallest particle is anymore.

The universe was created by an explosion. Then it evolved over billions of years. Or was it God? And in that scenario, did it happen in just one week or over billions of years?

Democrats are wrong.

Republicans are wrong.

The universe is filled with contradictions because we cannot possibly understand indefinitely. There is too much information to behold. I trust that we may never understand it all.

An idea that does not hold up under fire is flawed. I believe that to be true... care to prove me wrong? The unfortunate thing is that my idea might be flawed. Of course, it will only ever be a theory because it is impossible to prove it.

The scientific process begins with a hypothesis... a guess. Then it tests the guess. If the guess passes the test we have a theory. Then someone else comes along and tests the theory under different circumstances. If the theory does not hold up it is flawed, and must be altered or thrown out entirely.

Philosophy works much in the same way.

If you have a theory that you are afraid to put under fire, then ask yourself what you are afraid of. If you are afraid of being wrong then you better damn well put your theory under fire, because if you are wrong then you are believing in a lie. How many other people will you spread your lie to? Who will you hurt? Who will you take advantage of?

Here's what it comes down to. Stop believing everything with an iron grip. Hold your mind with an open palm. Let yourself evolve. Stop telling one sided stories. Stop pretending that you are right, and start believing that WE are flawed. When someone disagrees with you don't write them off.

Listen when someone talks; ask when you don't know; try to see it from their point of view. Do all of this as one who only knows one half of the story.

This is a plea from the depths of my soul.


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