Sunday, May 30, 2010
Today is Now
Lately I have been all about living today. Well, I have written about it... it is hard sometimes to actually live today. And now that it is 3:30 AM and I cannot sleep for the life of me, I will write something about it.
I do not think I would be naive to say that all that happens is now.
All that happens is now.
Let us focus on now. Yesterday never happens. I guarantee that you will never experience yesterday. That is just an absurd idea. The Beatles claimed that yesterday was so simple, and now they long for yesterday. Well that is a silly aspiration if you think about it. For one, yesterday will never happen, and for another, today is just as simple as yesterday. No matter your situation, the human state is always such that something greater or more important always seems to be going on.
C.S. Lewis speaks of this when talking about war. Just because we label something a "war" does not mean that it is any more drastic or any greater then before it was labeled war. And once the war is won or once the war is lost, the situation will be just as drastic and just as important.
But most of all, do not long for a simpler time because now, here, is the simplest time you will ever experience. No matter what is happening around you, now is happening, here is happening, and there is nothing complex about that.
Then there are the dreamers who look to tomorrow. But tomorrow, I would say, is an un instantiated idea. Show me tomorrow. Tomorrow is an idea, but it never happens and never will happen. Do not dream for tomorrow, or say tomorrow I will do this, because tomorrow will always be one day, one hour, one second out of your grasp.
Today is all we have, today is all that there is. Chasing your past will tie you up in the thoughts that today is somehow more difficult or somehow more complicated then the past. Relying on tomorrow will leave you with a massive to do list that will never get done because tomorrow will never instantiate itself.
What will you be today? Choose to be love today and you will be love always. Choose to be love tomorrow and you will never be love. Choose to be peace once the "current situation" is over and peace will never come. Choose to forgive once he comes and asks for it and you will never forgive (even if he asks for it... trust me).
Be ______ Today, it is your only chance.
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Nice to see the fruit of your sleeplessness last night! I agree, we need to live today. And, maybe even sleep today. I think I will try in a few minutes.