Monday, August 20, 2012

Honey Notes: a double rainbow

Last night I saw a double rainbow. It was all the way across the sky... it was full on.

Anyway, I saw it, and got a picture. Then the second rainbow faded, but the first rainbow grew. I could see the entire spectrum of colors. What a cool sight.

What's more, all the hundreds of cars that dry by on the East Beltline saw some hippie staring at the sky, smiling and mutter something to himself about a double rainbow.

Good times.


Sunday, August 19, 2012

Honey Notes: a new series

So this is a new idea I'm going to try. "Honey Notes" is a series of blog entries that I am starting where I reflect on the simple, subtle, sweet things that happen in my day. The name comes from coffee, wine and beer tasting vocabulary. A "note" of flavor is a very subtle thing that you taste amongst the predominant flavors.

From the simple, and perhaps the mundane, to the extraordinary notes of brightness, I will do my best to share them all here.

Today I had a long day at work. I opened at 5:30 AM, and the whole morning I felt as if I were separated from the world by a layer of plastic. I would touch something, but it wouldn't feel like I remembered. I would taste something, and not be able to taste what I remembered tasting. Anyway, the day dragged on, and at the end of it I had an epiphany of sorts.

I have been thinking for a while about playing a set at the coffee shop where I work. I have wanted to, but just haven't been able to think of what I wanted to play, or when. Then today, as soon as I was off the clock I got my idea. I would play a set called "songs from my past." Performed by "benjamin and Friends." I will play and sing, solo and in ensemble, songs that have been significant to me through the last 10 or so years.

I have spent the last hour reminiscing through these songs, and now I have a brightness and energy that is carrying me through my day.

Share your "honey notes" with me by commenting back, and perhaps we can all benefit in each other's joy.
