Politicians play a game: make myself look good and make other people look bad. They are very good at it. People like to play that game too. They take the politician they like the best, and focus on the positives of that person and the negatives of any opposing. Another thing that is sort of funny is this: before ever learning true, unbiassed facts about a politician, almost every voter already knows which politician that they will vote for, and very rarely does their mind change.
It is a game. It shouldn't be, but it is.
Think about this: if there were two football teams taking the field for the Super Bowl this year, and one of them was your favorite team, you would most likely think that they were going to win. Even if the other team had proven itself to be statistically better, and all signs ultimately pointed to them winning the game.
With sports we form a connection with a team that stays strong despite the rise and fall of the team. This is fine for sports, for a game, but should not be the same way for politics.
I cheer for the Packers because I have always cheered for the Packers. I started cheering for the Packers because my next door neighbors cheered for the Packers. Whenever they go into the game, I have a huge bias that they will emerge the victors. Despite numbers, despite statistics. Last season Packers were ranked 32nd (of 32... that's last) in secondary defense, but I still believe that they will have a miraculous turn around and end up with an awesome defense next season.
Do you view politics in the same way you do sports?
Maybe try it differently this time.
Also, please do not tear down people because of their political views. You are not always right (neither am I), and grey areas do exist, and you never know the full story...
I hope that in this upcoming election we can all come to the ballot with a decision that was made based on unbiassed information, and respect the people who disagree with us.