I grew up poor, but surrounded by love. I have a supporting mother who helps me with my rent. I am a student at Calvin College. I drive a car from 1995, and I am blessed to have it. I make very little money. I love the people around me. I will graduate with tens of thousands of student loans into a field that pays poorly.
I am the 99%... and that's ok.
I am more fortunate than most... even much of the 1%. Does easy living and money really solve problems? I get to do what I love every day. If I have to work 2 jobs to do that, so be it.
I see what the 99% is saying, but they are acting purely from a point of a victim, and with a sense of entitlement. We are truly not entitled to anything in the physical world. We live within our means, and we do what we have to in order to support those around us. Then when we are in need those around us support us back.
The world is torn and twisted, and the evil that permeates it is daunting and should not be ignored.
Joy is an odd thing to pin down, but it is not a result of "happiness"